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Source:Cycmag Published:2010/10/9 Author:Sky Sang view:1011

NdFeB factory attended ELECTRONICA 2010:

Name:Electronica 2010
Date: Nov.9-12
Booth No.: 423/8 
Venue: Munich Exhibition Center, Germany

Electronica is a global business platform: The high quality of the visitors including decision-makers from Germany and abroad who are willing to invest ensures first-rate potential for new business.

Concentrated expert knowledge, from developers to company executives, in nearly all consumer segments and user industries – from automotive and industrial electronics to embeddedwireless,medical electronics and MEMS. This is where decision-makers come to search for attractive offers and for suitable products and solutions to meet current and future requirements. Above all, they include buyers and decision-makers in upper management who are preparing for and conducting business transactions. This trade show, which is known for the unsurpassed quality and quantity of its visitors, is strictly business – and unparalleled in the industry.

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